
All of us share ideas on how to simplify our holidays. It is so easy to let the stress of money and not enough time dampen the spirit of the holiday.

I have researched for hours to find you the very best of all the ideas on the web and here are the top 5 time saving tips and top 5 ways to cut back on your spending. You will find all 10 tips usually will save you both time AND money. To save yourself more time and money without all of the research, click here to start saving.

Time Saving Tips:

  1. Cut back using the three gift approach. Whatever you call each gift or how you symbolize the gifts is significant but more significant is the fact that you cut back on the number of gifts. This means few shopping hours spent. The dollar amount can be as large or as minimal as your budget allows.
  2. Keep decorations simple but memorable. If you insist and love decorating, set a schedule well in advance of how and when you want the decorating to start and end.
  3. Make lists of those you will get gifts for and ideas for gifts. Check it often. Excel spreadsheets or Google documents are great. Utilize technology. Sending Christmas cards are a cinch with our system.
  4. Christmas dinners can be potluck rather than you providing the entire meal. This can save both time and money.
  5. Evaluate at the end of each year and write down what you loved about Christmas, what you didn’t enjoy and what you will do next year. Make a Christmas binder to file all ideas, lists and evaluations to avoid duplicating the same gifts or mistakes next year.

Cutting back on your holiday budget:

  1. Start with a budget. Hopefully you have set aside money throughout the year. Make a goal to be below budget and that you won’t use credit to assist you in your purchases. Track all your expenses using an Excel Spreadsheet. We have included a sample in Chapter 10.
  2. Use your list above to shop sales and online specials throughout the year. Do pre-searches online to find the best prices and those that do not charge for shipping.
  3. Find ways to give the gift of “experiences”. For family and friends you may want to have a group activities rather than individual gifts. I will share with you the way my friend saves money or gift-giving to her best friends.
  4. Find less expensive ways to fill stockings, neighbor and friends gifts. You can give the gift of “self” or hand-made Christmas gifts. You will be given lists of bigger items to fill the stockings that will be easier on your budget.
  5. Use the FREE “Make it Memorable” Planning Guide we are giving away. Evaluate your planning guide and spreadsheets from year to year and set goals of what you want to spend next year.  Keep these files in your Christmas binder. Sign up here for your complimentary guide.

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